Umrah Violations & Penalties

When a mistake is made during Hajj or Umrah, Fidyah (expiation) is required to atone for the mistake. By offering Fidyah, you are making amends for shortcomings during Hajj or Umrah.

Fidyah will be obligatory when you have:

  1. Violated one of the prohibitions of Ihram, such as applying perfume or cutting the hair.
  2. Failed to perform a Wajib (obligatory) act of Hajj, i.e. didn’t do Rami (pelting) of the Jamarat, or did not enter into Ihram from the Miqat, etc.
  3. Transgressed the sanctity of the Haram such as hunting an animal or cutting a tree within its boundaries.

There are three categories of penalty, depending on the nature of the transgression:


Offering a large sacrificial animal such as a camel or a cow (the size of which normally constitutes seven parts).


Offering a small sacrificial animal such as a sheep or a goat (or the cost of one-seventh of a large animal if sharing).


Offering charity to the poor, normally in the form of food such as flour, wheat, barley, dates or raisins. Depending on the violation, the amount of Sadaqah falls into three categories:

  1. Complete Sadaqah al-Fitr – This is equivalent to about 3 kg of wheat, 6 kg of barley or 6 kg of dates or raisins or its value in money.
  2. Less than Sadaqah al-Fitr – This can be a handful of wheat or an equivalent.
  3. Sadaqah equivalent to the value – For example, cutting trees or grass in the boundaries of the Haram will necessitate Sadaqah equivalent to the value of those mistakes. The amount due will be judged by two Muslim men who are local to the area and upright in their character.

Violations of Ihram

The following tables and notes are not exhaustive but provide a simplified overview of the topic as a whole.


Action Expiation Additional Info
Entering the Miqat without coming into Ihram. Damm The penalty will be waived by returning to the Miqat and re-entering into Ihram.


Applying Fragrances to the Body

Action Expiation Additional Info
To apply perfume or something with fragrance e.g. fragranced tissue on any large areas of the body even for a moment, without a valid reason. Damm Large areas of the body refers to body parts such as the head, ankle, beard, hand, palm, thigh, calf, etc.
To apply perfume or something with fragrance e.g. fragranced tissue on any small areas of the body even for a moment, without a valid reason. Sadaqah al-Fitr Small areas of the body refers to body parts such as the nose, finger, ear etc.
To apply a large quantity of fragranced substances to any part of the body. Damm
To apply small quantities of fragranced substances to various parts of the body so the total area of the body covered is equivalent to that of a large part of the body. Damm If the total area is not equivalent to that of a large body part, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.
To use fragranced substances with a valid reason. 1. Damm
2. Sadaqah al-Fitr
3. Fasting for 3 days
To use fragranced substances at different places. Damm for each place


  • There is no penalty if perfume is applied after wearing the Ihram garments and before making the Niyyah for Ihram, even though the fragrance may remain thereafter.
  • If the fragrance is washed off immediately after applying it, the penalty is still due.
  • The fragrance should be washed off immediately in any case, preferably by a non-Muhrim. If not, water should be poured over the scented area without touching it.
  • Leaving the fragrance on your body can result in further penalties.
  • Applying olive oil / sesame oil into the nose or ears is permissible and doesn’t incur a penalty.
  • Smelling fragrant flowers is permissible and doesn’t incur a penalty, although it is a disliked (Makruh) practice.


Applying Fragrances to Clothing

Action Expiation Additional Info
To apply a large amount of fragrance to a small area of clothing (less than one hand span) and wear the clothing for 12 hours or more. Damm If a small amount of fragrance is applied to a large area of clothing (more than one hand span), the penalty is the same.
To apply a large amount of fragrance to a large area of clothing and wear the clothing for less than 12 hours. Sadaqah al-Fitr If a small amount of fragrance is applied to a small area of clothing, the penalty is the same.


  • There is no penalty if perfume is applied after wearing the Ihram garments and before making the Niyyah for Ihram, even though the fragrance may remain thereafter.
  • If the fragrance is washed off immediately after applying it, the penalty is still due.
  • The fragrance should be washed off immediately in any case, preferably by a non-Muhrim. If not, water should be poured over the scented area without touching it.

Wearing Incensed and Dyed Clothing

Action Expiation Additional Info
To wear clothes that have been dyed in saffron or safflower for 12 hours or more. Damm If the dyed clothing has been worn for less than 12 hours, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.
To wear clothes that have been incensed a lot for 12 hours or more. Damm If the incensed clothing has been worn for less than 12 hours, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.

If the clothing has not been incensed much, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.


Fragrances from the Holy Kaaba

 Al-Hajar al-Aswad, al-Rukn al-Yamani, and the Multazam sometimes have fragrances applied to them so could incur a penalty if touched. Care must be taken to avoid this in Ihram, especially during Tawaf.

Action Expiation Additional Info
To touch al-Hajar al-Aswad, al-Rukn al-Yamani or the Multazam to the extent that a lot of fragrance becomes attached to the face or hands. Damm If the aforementioned parts of the Kaaba are touched and a small amount of fragrance becomes attached to the hands or face, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.


  • If perfume has been applied to al-Hajar al-Aswad, Istilam can be done by gesturing to al-Hajar al-Aswad from afar with your hands and kissing them.

Using Scented Products

Action Expiation Additional Info
If the predominant ingredient in a product is a fragrance and it is used once. E.g. using fragranced soap to wash your hands. Damm If the predominant ingredient in a product is not a fragrance, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due. However, if it is used more than once, Damm is required.


  • Unscented products should be used whilst in the state of Ihram.

Applying Henna / Kohl

Action Expiation Additional Info
To apply Henna thinly to at least a quarter of the head or beard, one hand or more, or to other parts of the body that are equivalent in size which remains there for 12 hours or more. Damm If Henna remains for less than 12 hours, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.

If Henna is applied thickly for 12 hours or moretwo Damms are required.

If Henna is applied thickly for less than 12 hoursone Damm and one Sadaqah al-Fitr is required.

To apply Henna to the whole palm. Damm
To apply scented Kohl once or twice. Damm If scented Kohl is applied more than twice, Damm is due.


  • Unscented Kohl is permissible to use and doesn’t necessitate a penalty.


Wearing Stitched Clothing

Men must not wear clothing that is stitched/sewn/tailored to fit the shape of the body. For example, shirts, trousers, vests, and jackets are items of fitted clothing that take the shape of the body and must be avoided in Ihram.

There is a common misconception that any item of clothing or footwear that contains stitches must not be worn in Ihram. However, it is a matter of the clothing taking the shape of the body that violates Ihram, rather than the actual stitches in clothing. Therefore, wearing sandals or carrying bags that contain stitches is perfectly fine in Ihram.

Action Expiation Additional Info
To wear clothing that is stitched / sewn / tailored to fit the shape of the body for 12 hours or more. Damm To wear the clothing for less than 12 hours, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.

If it is worn for less than an hour, a handful of wheat can be given as Sadaqah.


  • If the Muhrim wears the stitched clothing for a number of consecutive days, a second Damm is necessary after one or two days.
  • If a number of stitched garments are worn for a period of time such as shirt, trousers and underwear, the penalty will still be a single Damm.
  • If an item of stitched clothing is worn in a manner in which it is not normally worn, for example, wearing a cloak as a loin cloth, no penalty is due. A penalty is only due when stitched garments are worn in the manner in which they are normally worn.
  • If a person wears a stitched garment that has also been perfumed, two Damms are due upon him; one for wearing the stitched garment and one for using a fragrance.
  • It is permissible to cover yourself with a stitched blanket or duvet or any other type of covering, provided that it doesn’t cover the face or the head.
  • It is permissible to wrap the lower part of the body with a blanket, duvet or another type of covering.
  • It is permissible to wear another layer of Ihram, on top of the Ihram that is currently being worn.
  • Although it is Makruh (disked), it is permissible to wear an item of clothing such as a jacket or overcoat in such a way that it is draped over the shoulders, as long as the arms aren’t placed in the sleeves and the buttons / zip remains unfastened. If the arms are placed in the sleeves and the item of clothing is fastened, Damm will become obligatory.
  • It is permissible to wear a money belt / waist pouch / string which helps to further secure the lower garment of the Ihram.


This includes shoes and socks that cover the ankle and the top part of the foot (the shoelace area), in the case of men. Women may wear shoes and socks in Ihram.

Action Expiation Additional Info
For a man to wear prohibited footwear for 12 hours or more. Damm If the footwear is worn for less than 12 hours, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.


Covering the Head / Face


This includes covering the head or face with something which is generally used for this purpose such as a blanket, cloth, hat etc. If the head or face is covered with something that is generally not used for this purpose, such as a cup or a plate, no penalty is incurred although this should be avoided in any case.


Action Expiation Additional Info
For a man to cover at least a quarter of the face or head for 12 hours or more. Damm If less than a quarter of the face / head is covered for 12 hours or more, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.

If a quarter of the face / head is covered for less than 12 hours, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.

For a woman to cover the whole face or head for 12 hours or more. Damm If the face / head is covered for less than 12 hours, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.
For a Muhrim to cover the face or head of another Muhrim who is asleep. Damm Incurred by the Muhrim that covers.
For the head or face to become covered accidentally while sleeping. Sadaqah al-Fitr


  • The forehead is counted as a quarter of the face.
  • Using an umbrella or any other object for shade, provided it does not rest on the face or the head is permissible and doesn’t incur any penalty.
  • No penalty is due on a woman who uncovers her head.
Action Expiation Additional Info
To remove a quarter or more of the hair on the head (or beard), voluntarily or otherwise. Damm If less than a quarter, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.
To remove hair from one or both of the armpits or below the navel. Damm If less than this amount, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.
To remove the hair from the chest, thigh, ankle, shoulder or the upper and lower lip. Sadaqah al-Fitr
Three or less strands of hair fall out while scratching or touching the head or are removed. For each strand, a handful of wheat as Sadaqah. If more than this amount, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.
To remove hair from different areas of the body at different times or places. Relevant penalty for each occasion
For a woman to remove a fingertip length of hair (about an inch) or more. Damm If less than this amount, Sadaqah al-Fitr is due.
To remove the hair outside the boundary of the Haram. Damm
To remove a quarter of the hair before its due time e.g. before Sa’i of Umrah or before the Hady of Hajj. Damm
To cut the hair before Rami on the 10thof Dhul Hijjah. Damm
To cut the hair after Rami but before Hady. Damm For those performing Hajj al-Tamattu and Hajj al-Qiran.
To delay cutting the hair until after sunset on 12th Dhul Hijjah. Damm
A Muhrim cutting the hair of a non-Muhrim. Sadaqah for the Muhrim No penalty for the non-Muhrim.
A non-Muhrim cutting the hair of a Muhrim. Damm for the Muhrim Sadaqah al-Fitr for the non-Muhrim.


  • Women may cover their faces in such a way that it does not touch the face, if they feel the need to do so in the presence of men.

Shaving, Cutting & Removing Hair


  • A quarter of the hair on the head refers to the surface area as opposed to the length of the hair.
  • Give a handful of wheat of Sadaqah for every three strands of hair that falls out during Wudhu.
  • No penalty is due if hair falls out on its own, due to an illness or during sleep.
  • The stipulated penalty becomes due if hair is removed intentionally, forgetfully or forcefully.
  • If a man’s hair is less than the size of a fingertip in length, he should perform Halq (shaving) rather than Taqsir (trimming).
  • Combing / grooming the hair should be avoided although there is no penalty for the act of combing alone; a penalty is only incurred if hair falls out.
Action Expiation Additional Info
To clip all the nails of both hands and feet in one sitting. Damm The same penalty is due if the nails are clipped from only one hand and one foot in one sitting.
To clip less than five nails in one sitting or separate sittings. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each nail
  • When leaving the state of Ihram, hair on other body parts can only be removed after the hair on the head has been shaved or trimmed. If it is done beforehand, Damm becomes obligatory.


Clipping the Nails

Action Expiation Additional Info
To have sexual relations, whether intentionally or forgetfully, after coming into Ihram for Hajj and before Wuquf in Arafat. Damm Haii nullified and must be repeated.
To kiss, touch or embrace a person of the opposite gender with lust / desire. Damm Hajj still valid.
To masturbate. Damm Hajj still valid.
To have sexual relations at any point between Wuquf in Arafat and before cutting the hair. Badanah Hajj still valid.
To have sexual relations at any point between Wuquf in Arafat and before Tawaf al-Ziyarah. Badanah Hajj still valid.
To have sexual relations after cutting the hair but before Tawaf al-Ziyarah. Damm Hajj still valid.
To have sexual relations before starting Tawaf al-Umrah. Damm Umrah nullified and must be repeated.
To have sexual relations before completing four circuits of Tawaf al-Umrah. Damm Umrah nullified and must be repeated.
To have sexual relations after four circuits of Tawaf al-Umrah. Damm Umrah still valid.
To have sexual relations after completing the Tawaf and Sa’i of Umrah but before cutting the hair. Damm Umrah still valid.
For a Qarin (someone performing Hajj al-Qiran – combined Hajj and Umrah) to have sexual relations after Tawaf al-Umrah and Wuquf in Arafat, but before Halq / Taqsir and Tawaf al-Ziyarah. One Badanah and one Damm Hajj and Umrah still valid.
For a Qarin to have sexual relations after Tawaf al-Umrah but before Wuquf in Arafat. Two Damms Haii nullified and must be repeated, Umrah still valid.
For a Qarin to have sexual relations before Tawaf al-Umrah and Wuquf in Arafat. Two Damms Haii and Umrah nullified and must be repeated.
To enter Ihram for Umrah or Hajj in a state of Janabat (major ritual impurity requiring a bath). Haii and Umrah nullified and must be repeated.


  • If nails are clipped at different times, a separate penalty will be due for each instance.
  • If the total value of Sadaqah is equivalent to the value of a Damm, slightly less Sadaqah should be given.
  • To remove a broken nail does not incur a penalty.

Sexual Relations


  • If Hajj or Umrah is nullified, all the rites will still have to be completed as normal while abstaining from all the other prohibitions of Ihram.
  • A person whose Hajj or Umrah has been nullified cannot leave the state of Ihram until all the rites have been completed.
  • If Hajj or Umrah is nullified, it will have to be repeated again or as soon as possible (even if it was a Nafl Hajj or Umrah).
  • For those repeating Umrah, enter Ihram in Masjid Aisha in Taneem, which is the closest Miqat to the Haram.
  • If sexual relations take place at different times and different places, a penalty is due for each occasion.
  • Having a wet dream does not incur a penalty, although it does necessitate Ghusl (shower) and the clothing to be cleaned properly.
  • For a Mufrid (someone performing Hajj al-Ifrad), only Hajj has to be repeated and not the Umrah.


Killing Lice and Locusts

Action Expiation Additional Info
To kill more than three lice / locusts. Sadaqah al-Fitr If three are killed, a handful of wheat can be given as Sadaqah.


  • If an item of clothing that has lice on it is washed or dried in the sun, and the lice are subsequently killed, no penalty is due as there was no intention of killing the lice.
Action Expiation Additional Info
To kill a prohibited animal. Outlined below To aid in the killing of a prohibited animal e.g. pointing out the animal to a hunter warrants the same penalty.
To cause harm to an animal such as damaging their limbs, cutting off their wings, breaking their eggs etc. Sadaqah equivalent to the value of the injury To aid in the harming of animal warrants the same penalty.
To cause harm to an animal such that it renders the animal helpless. Sadaqah equivalent to the value of the animal To aid in the harming of animal warrants the same penalty.


Violations of the Haram



  • It is prohibited for someone in Ihram to hunt an animal whether it is in the Haram or outside the Haram.
  • It is prohibited to hunt in the Haram, whether in Ihram or not, due to its sanctity.
  • If a person in Ihram kills an animal or aids someone else in killing an animal, a penalty is due.
  • The penalty for killing a prohibited animal within the boundary of the Haram, (whether by a Muhrim or not), is either:
  • To sacrifice a similar animal or an animal similar in size to the animal that was killed, the meat of which should be distributed within the Haram boundary. For example, if a deer was killed, a sheep must be slaughtered.
  • To attach a value to the animal killed and buy food with this money, distributing it as charity (Sadaqah) for the poor. Sadaqah can be given to anyone and is not restricted to those within the boundaries of the Haram.
  • To fast in substitution of the Sadaqah.
  • The size or value of such an injured or killed animal is to be determined by two pious Muslims.
  • If a person in Ihram slaughters game, then the slaughtered animal is Maytah (carrion) and is not permissible to consume.
  • Whoever harms an animal, or plucks its feathers, or cuts off one of its limbs, is responsible for that amount which he reduced from its value.
  • Whoever harms an animal resulting in it becoming incapacitated, is responsible for its price in full.
  • There is no penalty for killing animals such as crows, wolves, snakes, scorpions or rats.
  • There is no penalty for killing gnats, mosquitos and ticks.
  • Whoever kills a louse or locust can give as much Sadaqah as he wants.
  • If a predatory animal attacks a Muhrim, who in turn kills the animal, no penalty is due.
  • There is no penalty for eating game which was slaughtered by someone not in Ihram, provided that the person in Ihram did not aid in the killing of the animal.
  • Fishing is permissible in Ihram.

Cutting Vegetation

Action Expiation
To cut vegetation which is not owned by someone. Sadaqah equivalent to the value of vegetation cut
To cut vegetation which is owned by someone. Sadaqah equivalent to the value of vegetation cut and compensation to the owner equivalent to the value of vegetation cut
To cut vegetation which has been planted by someone but not owned by that individual. Compensation to the planter equivalent to the value of vegetation cut


  • It is prohibited to cut vegeation in the Haram, whether in Ihram or not, due to its sanctity.
  • Vegetation includes trees and grass.
  • It is permissible to cut vegetation that is generally sown such as wheat and barley.
  • It is permissible to cut “dry” trees.
  • It is not permissible to cut certain types of vegetation that aren’t generally known such as acacia, regardless of whether the land on which it grows is owned by you or not.
  • It is not permissible to make Miswaak from “wet” trees.
  • It is not permissible to allow animals to graze on the grass in the boundaries of the Haram.
  • The penalty is due immediately after the vegetation has been cut.
  • If the price of a sacrificial animal (Hady) is equivalent to the value of the amount of vegetation that has been cut, it should be purchased and slaughtered in the Haram.
  • After paying the penalty, you become the owner of the vegetation although selling it is Makruh (disliked). If it is sold, the proceeds should be given to charity.

Violations of the Rites of Hajj & Umrah

 Tawaf al-Umrah

Action Expiation Additional Info
To perform even one circuit in a state of major ritual impurity (requiring Ghusl), in a state of menstruation or without Wudhu. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To use a conveyance, such as a wheelchair, for four or more circuits without a valid reason. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To omit this Tawaf completely. Damm
To complete the Umrah and thereafter coming into Ihram for another Umrah without cutting or shaving the hair. Damm The second Umrah must be completed before cutting the hair. Cutting the hair before the second Umrah is completed would necessitate two Damms.


  • To perform this Tawaf with minor impurity (Najasat) on the body or clothes is disliked (Makruh), although it doesn’t necessitate a penalty.

Tawaf al-Qudum

Action Expiation Additional Info
To perform this Tawaf without Wudhu. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each circuit The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To omit one, two or three circuits without a valid reason. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each circuit The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To omit four or more circuits without a valid reason. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To perform the Tawaf in a state of major ritual impurity (requiring Ghusl), in a state of menstruation or after child birth. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed in a state of ritual purity.


  • This Tawaf is Sunnah for an Afaqi (person who lives outside the Miqat boundaries) performing Hajj al-Qiran or Hajj al-Ifrad.
  • Those performing Hajj al-Tamattu and Umrah, including the Afaqi, are exempt from performing this Tawaf.
  • Those who reside within the boundaries of the Haram are also exempt from performing this Tawaf. It is only Mustahabb (recommended) for the resident of Makkah upon leaving the Miqat and re-entering to perform Hajj al-Qiran or Hajj al-Ifrad.
  • To omit this Tawaf entirely is disliked (Makruh) although there is no penalty for doing so.
  • There is no penalty for using a conveyance, such as a wheelchair, without a valid reason.
  • To perform this Tawaf with minor impurity (Najasat) on the body or clothes is disliked (Makruh), although it doesn’t necessitate a penalty.
  • If the total value of Sadaqah is equivalent to the value of a Damm, slightly less Sadaqah should be given.

Tawaf al-Nafl

Action Expiation Additional Info
To perform less than four circuits without Wudhu. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each circuit The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To perform the entire Tawaf, or more than four circuits without Wudhu. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To omit one, two or three circuits without a valid reason. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each circuit The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To omit four or more circuits without a valid reason. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To use a conveyance, such as a wheelchair, for four or more circuits without a valid reason. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To expose the Awrah, to the extent that Salah would not be valid if performed in this state. Sadaqah al-Fitr The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
Walking through the Hatim while performing Tawaf. Sadaqah al-Fitr The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.


  • To perform this Tawaf with minor impurity (Najasat) on the body or clothes is disliked (Makruh), although it doesn’t necessitate a penalty.
  • If the total value of Sadaqah is equivalent to the value of a Damm, slightly less Sadaqah should be given.

Tawaf al-Ziyarah

Action Expiation Additional Info
To delay Tawaf al-Ziyarah until after sunset on the 12th of Dhul Hijjah without a valid reason. Damm
To perform less than four circuits without Wudhu. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each circuit The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To perform the entire Tawaf or more than four circuits without Wudhu. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To omit one, two or three circuits without a valid reason. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each circuit The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To omit four or more circuits without a valid reason. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To perform the Tawaf in a state of major ritual impurity (requiring Ghusl), in a state of menstruation or after child birth. Badanah The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed in a state of ritual purity, even after 12th of Dhul Hijjah.
To have sexual relations (including kissing and touching with desire) after cutting the hair but before Tawaf al-Ziyarah. Damm Hajj is still valid.
To use a conveyance, such as a wheelchair, for four or more circuits without a valid reason. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To expose the Awrah, to the extent that Salah would not be valid if performed in this state. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
Walking through the Hatim while performing Tawaf. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.


  • If Tawaf al-Ziyarah is performed without Wudhu and then Tawaf al-Wida is performed with Wudhu before sunset on the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, the Tawaf al-Wida will be considered as Tawaf al-Ziyarah and not Tawaf al-Wida. The penalty will be waived and Tawaf al-Wida must be performed again before sunset on the 12thof Dhul Hijjah. If Tawaf al-Wida is performed after this time, it is considered as Tawaf al-Wida and the Tawaf al-Ziyarah will still be outstanding. If the Tawaf al-Ziyarah is performed even after 12th of Dhul Hijjah, the penalty will be waived.
  • Women in a state of major ritual impurity (menstruation or post child-birth) can delay Tawaf al-Ziyarah without incurring a penalty.
Action Expiation Additional Info
To omit the Tawaf entirely. Damm The penalty will be waived by returning to the Miqat, re-entering into Ihram and performing Tawaf.
To perform this Tawaf without Wudhu. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each circuit The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To omit one, two or three circuits without a valid reason. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each circuit The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To omit four or more circuits without a valid reason. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed properly.
To perform the Tawaf in a state of major ritual impurity (requiring Ghusl), in a state of menstruation or after child birth. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Tawaf is repeated and performed in a state of ritual purity.

Women in this state are excused from the Tawaf if their departure cannot be delayed.

  • If a woman enters into a state of ritual purity on the 12th of Dhul Hijjah and there is ample time to perform at least four circuits of Tawaf, it must be performed otherwise Damm will be due. However, if there is not enough time to complete at least four circuits, no penalty will be due.
  • Not performing Tawaf al-Ziyarah makes sexual relations unlawful until the Tawaf has been completed. If sexual relations do take place, Damm will be due for every occasion it takes place and an additional Damm will be necessary for delaying the Tawaf.
  • To perform this Tawaf with minor impurity (Najasat) on the body or clothes is disliked (Makruh), although it doesn’t necessitate a penalty.
  • If the total value of Sadaqah is equivalent to the value of a Damm, slightly less Sadaqah should be given.

Tawaf al-Wida


  • This Tawaf is not obligatory for those performing Umrah only.
  • This Tawaf is obligatory for an Afaqi (person who lives outside the Miqat boundaries) performing any type of Hajj.
Action Expiation Additional Info
To omit all seven circuits without a valid reason. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Sa’i is repeated and performed properly.
To omit four or more circuits without a valid reason. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Sa’i is repeated and performed properly.
Less than four circuits are omitted. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each circuit
To use a conveyance, such as a wheelchair, without a valid reason. Damm The penalty will be waived if the Sa’i is repeated and performed properly.
To use a conveyance, such as a wheelchair, midway through the Sa’i without a valid reason. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each circuit The penalty will be waived if the Sa’i is repeated and performed properly.
  • Those who reside within the boundaries of the Haram are exempt from performing this Tawaf.
  • There is no penalty for using a conveyance, such as a wheelchair, without a valid reason.
  • To perform this Tawaf with minor impurity (Najasat) on the body or clothes is disliked (Makruh), although it doesn’t necessitate a penalty.
  • If the total value of Sadaqah is equivalent to the value of a Damm, slightly less Sadaqah should be given.

Sa’i of Hajj and Umrah


  • Using a wheelchair with a valid reason, such as illness, will not incur a penalty.
  • Sa’i performed without Wudhu is valid and won’t incur a penalty.
  • No penalty is due if there are breaks in between circuits.


Action Expiation Additional Info
For those performing Hajj al-Tamattu or Hajj al-Qiran, not to follow the correct sequence of rites on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah. Damm The correct sequence is:

  • Rami of Jamarah al-Aqaba (the big pillar)
  • Animal sacrifice (Hady)
  • Trim / shave the hair
To delay the slaughter of the animal until after sunset on the 12th of Dhul Hijjah. Damm
For those performing Hajj al-Tamattu or Hajj al-Qiran, to be unable to afford the animal sacrifice. Fast for 10 days
To trim / shave the hair outside the boundaries of the Haram. Damm
To delay the cutting of the hair until after sunset on the 12th of Dhul Hijjah without a valid reason. Damm

 Day of Arafat

Action Expiation Additional Info
To leave the boundary of Arafat for Muzdalifah before sunset on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah. Damm Penalty is waived if the person returns to Arafat before sunset. If the person returns after sunset, the penalty will remain.


Action Expiation Additional Info
To omit pelting for one day or more. Damm
To omit up to three pebbles when pelting the Jamarah al-Aqaba on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each pebble To miss out pelting altogether on this day will result in a Damm.
To omit up to 10 pebbles on the 11th, 12th or 13th Dhul Hijjah. Sadaqah al-Fitr for each pebble
To omit pelting of an entire Jamarat on the 11th, 12th or 13th Dhul Hijjah. Sadaqah al-Fitr for seven pebbles If two or three Jamarat are omitted on these days, Damm is due.
To perform Hady before pelting on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah. Damm
To pelt after sunset on the 13th Dhul Hijjah. Damm
To pelt on behalf of another person without a valid excuse. Damm Damm is incurred by the person on whose behalf the pelting is carried out for. Only one Damm is due even if it was carried out on three to four days.

 Night of Muzdalifah

Action Expiation Additional Info
To arrive at Muzdalifah on the morning 10th of Dhul Hijjah after sunrise, with no valid reason Damm
To leave Muzdalifah on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah before Fajr begins, with no valid reason Damm Penalty is waived if the person returns to Muzdalifah before Fajr. If the person returns after Fajr, the penalty will remain.



  • If pelting that was meant to be performed on the 11th or 12th of Dhul Hijjah is omitted, it should be performed on the 12th and 13th instead although the penalty will still be applicable.
  • If the order of pelting on the 11th, 12th and 13th is not followed, no penalty will be due although doing so is against the Sunnah.
  • If the total value of Sadaqah is equivalent to the value of a Damm, slightly less Sadaqah should be given.
  • An elderly, infirm or incapacitated person can appoint someone to pelt on their behalf without incurring any penalties.
  • The person that is appointed to deputise must also remember to carry out their own pelting otherwise a penalty will be incurred by them.
  • It is Makruh (disliked) to avoid pelting the Jamarat on the 13th of Dhul Hijjah if you still happen to be in Mina after Fajr on this day.


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